Saturday, April 21, 2007

++ The Drowning

If there’s one thing I like about alcohol, it’s its ability to drown away all negativity in life for that few moments before reality hits you again. If my quality of life now were to be based on the number of shots of vodka I down, I would say life essentially sucks. And some people really make/thwart your mood for the day. Yes! Even on Saturdays!

I shall list down a whole bunch of words to indicate my feeling towards work/class/people i've met this week.

politics fugly sluts with thick makeup dogs fatigue irritable eyebags wax bitches

Due to this monotony, i sometimes feel that i'm going through life aimlessly. It's really bland and the weekly routine really sucks. Still, weekends are worth looking forward to! After all, i'm meeting up with people i want to meet. til then! (=

PS: i apologize for the lack-lustre entries. Life has been a blur...

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