Thursday, June 21, 2007

++ HELL of a WEEK

I feel obliged to blog cos the last time i penned an entry was a week ago. So to those keeping the numbers up daily, i thank you for your support.

You must be wondering why i titled this entry "Hell-Week". Simply put, i'm so packed with activities that i reach home at past 10 daily. This is extremely evident if you see my daily as you can see the 'progress' of my eye bags from Monday til Today. Still, i would not complain or even title it "hell-week' if i enjoy what that very lateness brings. The point is, i dont enjoy what i'm doing at all. =( What's worse is that this is just week 1 of the 2 projected 'hell-weeks'. So while i pat myself on the back for surviving 4 days, i must remember there's still 8 more days to go.

My daily 8 to 530 persona is feeling peaceful and relaxed and I WANT IT TO STAY THAT WAY. Amidst that monotony, i find it less troubling and i just want to spend time with those who are leaving, and those who i can relate to for the remaining months. I'm strongly AGAINST changes as i feel, there's really no point. Ain't being in comfort the key to efficiency? Hmm.

So while i struggle against the lack of sleep, i really want a happy closure to all these hardwork im putting in. Still don't understand what i'm ranting? Too bad.

Then again, for those who are genuinely concerned, i just want to say JUNE has been one of the worst month this year and i cant wait for JULY to arrive. Til then, i won't blog no more.

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