Friday, July 20, 2007

++ Back to Basic 'Vocals'!

I had a great week (thank goodness), with a few minor hiccups during the past 2 days. There were some fresh additions to the circle which caused some disturbance to the equilibrium. A certain intolerable behaviour made me mad for a couple of minutes. That's because i felt my privacy was intruded. Besides that, many others (especially the more well-known people contacts) which are at in my possession are at risk of being stolen from that intrusion. I was peeved but later brushed it off cos it was partly my negligence. But still, there's a limit and i believe one should not test it.

Peter Laoshi was unwell today cos he looked quite pale. Anyway, today's theory lesson was rather challenging cos i haven't done 'vocal drills' for quite a while. 'Vocal drills' are exercises that improve on your accuracy in pitching. I got the hang of it after a while and Peter Laoshi said that when my pitching is really good, i can start learning to harmonize. Now, that's a perk eh? LOL.

So tomorrow's the release of the long awaited Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. *euphoria*

Have a great weekend!

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