Tuesday, July 03, 2007

++ Embracing July.

一次又一次的灰心 才发现早已麻痹

So i made a promise to myself to make july a good month, i shall do my best to make it come true. Work in camp has been bearable and the ongoing peace makes me want to be there, for the first time. But the number of new faces popping up, really scares me. Like Dexter said, "i don't know anyone anymore". He meant of course the newbies. Well i guess it's kinda natural for that to happen. In fact its better, cos there's really nothing worth looking back at when i leave that place 6 months from now --- it would be a new era with totally unfamiliar people. (=

One of the highlights for this month would be the resumption of vocal lessons! Peter Laoshi was asking me that question since months back but i haven't had time until NOW! It should be a twice monthly affair due to my current financial constraints. But it's better than nothing. So more updates on this soons. hehe.

Hmm, oh and i'm supposed to start gym~ing with Kieron but i have yet to seen him this month so shall discuss with him tomorrow.

Life will be good. Those who try to destroy it shall be oblivious to me. Then again, im numb after all these years of crap. It's just a vicious cycle... talking about being dysfunctional. heh.

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