Friday, October 05, 2007

Lessons in Life (3) - Commitments

"There are times when even the best of us have trouble with commitment, and we may be surprised at the commitments we're willing to let slip out of our grasp. Commitments are complicated. We may surprise ourselves at the commitments we are willing to make. True commitment takes effort and sacrifice .Which is why sometimes we have to learn the hard way, to choose our commitments very carefully. "

Ellen Pompeo in Grey's Anatomy


Sheldon Wee said...

What about the kinds of commitments where you're forced to work your butt off with no reward and extras come knocking ever so often. It starts with an 'A'.

Ord loh :(

Ryan said...

mrsc - Am i thinking what u're thinking B1? i think i am.

Ord loh :)

colin lim said...

well said. everyone should know when to say no!

Ryan said...

happy butt - that's why im hooked on Grey's Anatomy. I learn Sooo much. =)

Dennis said...

Butty! Like this quote. Koped it for my bloggy. =P Thanks wor~

Ryan said...

osp87 - sure! =)