Sunday, November 25, 2007

Taiwan Takeaways.

PS: I'm HOME. Arrived awhile ago. Give me some time while i sort out the photos. =) First entry to come middle of next week. I'm really unhappy when people mimic my presentation of entries. Random.. wait for me wait for me..


jason kyh said...

woah... interesting theme to the color of clothes. recently ive taken a liking to clothes that look like that too..

Anonymous said...

You're back! :D

- Van

Ryan said...

jkyh - really? Hmm... it's winter mah! Anyway black and white really looks nice.

Van - Yes darling. i'm home. =0

Sheldon Wee said...

I didn't know Taiwan got winter one leh, anyway I got a problem. I accidentally deleted the address your aunt smsed me :/

Gotta get it from you sometime when ur free, my interview is on the 8th of December lol.

Ryan said...

mrsc - Err Taiwan has 4 seasons as well. Minus the snow. Good luck for your interview!