Thursday, May 01, 2008

Recurring Mistakes. Erred Judgement.

"What's worse, new wounds which are so horribly painful or old wounds that should have healed years ago and never did? Maybe our old wounds teach us something... They remind us of where we've been and what we've overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That's what we like to think. But that's not the way it is, is it? Somethings we just have to learn over and over and over again."

Grey's Anatomy

Some people end up constantly getting hurt because they believe in the best of people, even after they'd gotten hurt before. They require no sympathy because they NEVER learn. Yes, i'm talking about myself. But spare me the condolences, i'm already enlightened. I'm done with this shit. I really am.


Anonymous said...

eileen - very chim.. referring to who ?

Ryan said...

eileen - eh... obviously i write like that means i wont disclose the identity right.

Sheldon Wee said...

he shen mi de..

I know its about HIM

that guy right

that guy with 2 eyes 1 nose 1 mouth

ok i give up lol

Ryan said...

shichen - ha ha ha... yes. it's about a person with 2 eyes, 1 nose and 1 mouth. Hmm... Then again, im not so sure it's only 1 mouth.