Wednesday, July 11, 2007

++ post 'escape'... back to reality.

Have you ever taken someone/something for granted and only felt the pinch after they step out of your life? Regardless of whether it’s momentary or permanently, you should reflect on your actions and never treat them the same again, if they ever come back to your life. But if they don’t, take it as a lesson learnt and thank them for being part of your life.

A while back, when June officially declared war on me, i had the 'my life was sucked out' look. Then my complexion became quite bad (not really bad bad but still bad). I decided i need to 'escape', which i did towards the end of June when i was given the chance.

My 'escape'
Hence the shades to hide the eyebags but the ONE pimple on my face could not be hidden. Too bad you cant see it cos i edited it. =P

So now, even thou i'm still freaking tired due to committments which range from meeting friends to working out, i'm happy. So the eyebags that resulted from these happy activities are called Happy Eyebags. Woohoo! So I met Vanessa, Weiwen, Weiting, Shichen and Ying Chin on Monday, which is something i'll blog about after i get the pictures. Gym cum dinner with Kieron last night was bloody good too. It was really 'pushing my own limits'.

I can't and refuse to believe it's only Wednesday. =(

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