Saturday, July 07, 2007

++ the sick boy @ the pub

So i went down to Boat Quay for Dexter's Birthday Dinner cum Pubbing session. Due to the flu bug that caught me yesterday, i wasn't very 'high' and i did not drink alot. But overall it was fun hanging out with mr eric, kerene, zheyu, benjamin, alex, mervin, mickey and dexter. (= The games played and their singing livened the atmostphere. Alex, Ben, Zheyu, Mervin and Dex went to Eski Bar at around 2 while the rest of us went home.

I wish i was in a better condition to be enjoying all these.

Alex, me, dex

Alex, me, Mickey

Alex... Kerene.


Oh and i must thank Kieron for keeping me from zoning out with the sms~es. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ugly as mouse!! ISH!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!