Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Not "Bright and Sunny" Anymore.

Miss Taintedaffair, one of my closest friend commented in my previous entry that my entries used to be more lively and that has changed drastically in the past few months. Hmm, what has changed?

There are more advertorials, blogging has somehow been leaning more towards work. Basically, i haven't been friends with 'bright and sunny' for a while. I realised I've grown more in the past 2 months than in the past 2 years and i do not mean it in a physically horizontal or vertical manner. A lot has happened, a lot has changed. Again, i do not mean any of that in a negative way. I know i'm rambling... but it's 7am in the morning so cut me some slack ya?

I cannot promise to find back my 'bright and sunny' side but i'll try not to lean towards 'dark and twisty'. But hey, at least i'm still human, not a happy entries churning machine. I'm gonna prepare for school now so anticipate my next entry *gasps* (photos!!!) Have Fun in London Miss TaintedAffair!!! =)

By the way... school's not fun.. at all and i'm have a lot of stuff to settle.. *pulls hair*


Anonymous said...

Mum : Well, you have been out of touch for 2 years so u will definitely have to go through the initial phase of adaptation.
Things will be better along the way.
Enjoy what is given to you

Ryan said...

Mum - HELLO! Ya i'm enjoying my mini fan. ^^

Dennis said...

Hey butty! How's the mini fan going? Can sleep already?

I like both dark & twisty and bright & sunny. xD

Sheldon Wee said...

mini fan?

miniture fan?

or young fan


Ryan said...

dennis - yes! the mini fan worked wonders....

Ryan said...

shichen - I've got things to comment about your comment. =) But mine is a PG blog.

Anonymous said...

Mum - i left $50 on ur table for the mini fan

Anonymous said...

i happen to c tis blog. i tink is ur frenz gf. www.cranberrycandylicious.blogspot.com

Ryan said...

Mum - HAHA you could jus text me you know. =)

Ryan said...

narutofanz - Whaha... her name is Sarah dude. =) Anyway u tell me about her blog for what..

Dennis said...
